Garage Door Repair in Oakland, CA
At Magic Garage Door, we continually strive to provide the very best service, regardless of what a client is looking for. Whether they want an upgraded garage door in Oakland, or they require repairs on their current garage door, we are able to assist them with all of the different elements that might require assistance. This way, no matter what the situation is or what they need, our team at Magic Garage Door is there, ready for all of the problems they might have.
- Service Fee: $29
- Phone: (510) 257-2133
- Service Areas: Oakland, CA and surrounding cities
- Location: 600 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
- 24hr Emergency Service - Available
While many might not think about it, having a fully trained, licensed and insured garage door repair company work on the garage is very important. This way, the individual knows they are receiving the very best work and assistance for their garage door.
Whether they need weather seal replacement or a new opener remote, we can recommend the best equipment and the best hardware for their needs, not to mention we are going to drastically improve the quality of the garage door in far less time than any individual could possibly do on their own.
There are other elements that we can help out with. With 24 hour, seven day a week emergency services, we can help when the garage door doesn't seem to open or of the security code is not assisting with the garage door. There are times where something might be stuck inside and needs direct opening but is not able to do so. That is why we at Magic Garage Door are here to help. An individual, home owner or building owner should not have to way around until the next day to gain access to the inside of their building. Instead, we are able to help out with this exactly problem and always lend a hand to whiter the situation might be.